Saturday, September 03, 2011


What did I do to deserve this?
Before I go ahead with him, I did seek your blessings through the prayer
I may have forgotten you for a moment,
However, I seek you again
Coz I knew with you by my side,
My relationship will be blessed

But when he saw me close to you,
He said I am not true
He said I have been fooling him
But doesnt he know being close to you
Makes me feel more love for him?

I want to scream and ask
Why my life is destined in dusk
This blackness has surround my soul
And created a hole
In my heart he stole

I wish things are different
Coz I know for certain
I would not want to be burnt
For the love I have is pure and true
Despite all that I had gone through

Will you let him come back
Will he succumb the crack
I know the concern
Especially after what he has happen

His cold feet or not
Im not too hot
Coz this love which I cant abort
Because it Is a lot

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