Saturday, September 30, 2006

Searching the soul

How can I say I don’t care?
When my heart screams otherwise
How can I give it a rest?
When it is my heartbeat

Is this what one’s call egotism?
I knew I have it let it go
I just couldn’t
I knew it would be condemning
But yet I trace it

What options do I have?
When I can’t let it go
What route should I seize?
When every direction I make has restrictions

If I could just it cease
I would stop this feeling
Stop caring and stop ensuring myself
That everything will be eventually all right
When it could never be
When it never will

Heavy Heart

This heart is heavy to let it go
This heart ache for it to come
This heart is painful as it is
What is wrong with this heart

Tried as heart
This heart does not listen
Force as much
This heart weakens

Though the pain is too much to bear
This heart is saying "Not to give up"
This heart is pushing "Move on"

Though many times the byes are said
This heart just won't let go
This heavy heart is out to ruin the life
The life that was never there in the first place

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A new semester begins

Before I know it, my holidays are over. Was it a holiday? Not really! Yes, I didnt have to teach the kids, yes no need to have piles and piles of marking to add on to the existing ones.

What I did during the holidays:

(i) Plan the banner for the vendors
(ii) Call and keep calling the vendors to liase with her on the banners for Mid Autumn Festival celebration for the school
(iii) I World I teach lecture...though it was a bore...the ending was interesting. I enjoyed the skit.
(iv) SA2 paper: I did the paper with Mdm was a breeze working with her
(v) Finished up the PowerPoint on pollination
(vi) Prepared a quiz on the topic on pollination
(vii) Prepared a poster for Mid Autumn Festival to be displayed in the school
(ix) Clear all my amrkings
(x) Did the erecord for the next two weeks
(xi) Plan the new things I want to try with the class to improve their writing skill

Well, thats what I remembered...I think that should be all. However, I also did enjoy myself a little bit.
-Meet up my buddies and catch up
-Meet up my NTU mates and enjoyed the coffee session at Starbucks
-Shop a little
-Karaoke session
-Watch a few dvds
-Dyed my hair....though it doesnt seem to show
-And most importantly sleep sleep sleep

And tomorrow onwards, a new chapter of my life will begin. Why is it a new chapter? Hmmm...because I need to close the old book as there's too much sadness in the old book...a lot of mishap happened to me...I knew I am an unlucky person...but never would I have guessed I am that unlucky.

When tomorrow comes,
-I aim to work harder at work to make people see beyond my freak lost
-To take bus to school
-To do better at work, at home, with friends and everything I will do in life
-To choose a better in path and not rake the past.

So I come

Saturday, September 09, 2006

When I am gone...

When I am gone,
I do not want to be recognised,
I want to be remembered.

When I fade,
I don't to just dissolve.
I want to be mentioned,
By my loved ones.

When I fall,
I don't want to be discard,
But I want to be missed.

When I diminish,
I don't want the cries,
I want the smiles,
I want you to remember the happy moments.


This pain
Comes again
Not that I ask for it
Not that I want it

This pain
Comes suddenly
A sudden attack
A sudden pin

This pain...
Why this pain occurs,
I don't know
How to make it disappear
Is beyond me...
But I know
This pain is here to stay
Until I learn to let it go
Until I am strong again

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


AP and I were discussing about teachers and their passion in teaching. Well, come to think of it, I miss my 17 kids who see me as one of them, who always add me in everything they do, to name a few so far: 1)When the school photographer asked them how many pupils there are in the class, they innocently said 17 + 1(our teacher). Then during NE show, twice they showed me they care, 2)They added me when they took the National Day's bag and 3) Added me yet again when they collected their food.

I am definitely touched my all these from the kids. Ive had a bad patch recently, when I lost my laptop. I was actually thinking, probably if I am not in this line and not have too many things on my mind, I may not have to incur the lost (of paying the 2 laptops I lost). But when I received a card from a student(amongst the many beautiful cards and presents), I was so touched. The kid (although some of the teachers threw unkind words to me) said something(though kinda ruthless) touched me. She felt my pain. That little (11 year-old) kid felt my pain when adults couldn't. She actually wrote in the card, Ms Z...I know you have been very sad lately when you lost your laptop. Although all of us could not give you a new laptop, I hope the person fingers will rot when he touched the laptop he took from you. No! I did not tell her to do so! But the fact that she knew how miserable I have felt touched my heart. Moreover, the sharkies have been so much better the last week or so, they have become my little dolphins..all of them! All these gestures from my kids are greatly appreciated.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~These are my angels~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Primary 5.12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Why do women want to have what they cant?
Why do women like to play with fire?
When they know they will burn?

Why do women think everything is okay about anything
But remains miserable about everything

Why women have to feel more pain than men?
Why do they stay when they know it hurts more than to leave?

Why women prefer to feel more pain?
Than to leave and be happier?

Why must women start thinking like men?
When men are not doing the same?

Has anyone wonder these questions?
Have they ever been answered?