Friday, December 09, 2005

Be a Better Friend

I am angry
But would you appease me?
I am irritated
But would you calm me?

I am sick of your reasons
But would you care even if I tell you so?
I am annoyed by everything
But would you give a damn?

I am too tired now
I think it is time I give up everything
No more complains from me
No more excuses from you

Maybe then I would better to you
And you would be better to me
So we can be better friends


Jujubie said...

Dun think about whatever it is too much. The more u think the more crappy reasoning you get. Its best if you juz go wit the flow...numb yourself ... and given enough time and when u finally get over the barrier, force urself back to feel, you will realise that the feeling that upset u is gone.

Anonymous said...

He worked all day,
and toiled all night,
he gave up his play,
and some delight,
dry books he read,
new things to learn,
he toggled ahead,
success to earn,
he plodded along with fate and pluck,
but when he won,
men called it luck........

Dark Queen said...

Hmmm...interesting Viswajit...but it is true...we always consider what successful things we've achieved as least...thats what I feel