Saturday, December 10, 2005


I know I am torturing myself with the game..I knew it was a fatal game..I knew I will be hurt..I knew I will be burnt..I knew I need to get out from it..I knew I would lose even if I stay..I knew I am just buying time to be kicked out of the game..but yet I dont want to step out of it..but yet I am too stubborn to admit it..but yet I am foolish enough to continue a stupid game..or maybe I feel trapped in the game..without the game, probabaly life is meaningless..or maybe I have tried to creep out of the game but I failed so I just stay..well..I really thing for sure..I cant seem to get myself out of this deadly game..and either way, the game will hurt me..and I will lose this game.


Jujubie said...

my advice cold turkey!

Dark Queen said...

Haha...then it would be cold..hehe..ya...thats the best method too I think

The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

wat game?! damn.. i'm too outta the loop already

Dark Queen said...

No babe...its just food for thought...nothing in particular