Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy New Year

To everyone I know...and to those I don't but read my blog...I wanna wish all of you the Happiest New Year. Have a great 2006, better and even more lievelier than what 2005 have offered you. But above all, have a wonderful health and take care always, of yourself and people around you.

Nina aka Zar aka Zazarbie aka Ina Ze aka...Watever you people call me, always remember...many of you have touched my life and made it better than what it was..especially some of you...I suppose you know who you are, those who were there for me thru my difficult and happy you all always...and God Bless you! HAPPY NEW YEAR again!



94533 said...

THank you and happy new year to you too!
Here is a poem from one of my favorite writers:
We build our future thought by thought
for good or bad and know it not.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose, then, thy destiny, and wait.
Mind is the master of its sphere;
Be calm, be steadfast and sincere;
Fear is the only foe to fear
Let God in thee rise and say
To adverse circumstance-'Obey'
And thy dear wish shall have its way.

Dark Queen said...

Thanks....its a nice sweet message behind that pros.

The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

lalala... blah blah blah! HAPPY NEW YEAR MORON SIS!!!

Hmmm.. i prob shld change my display pic for blogger to the twinsie pic also ah.. but long hair leh...

firetigerx said...

All the same to you! May the muses continue to inspire you into the new year and long into eternity!

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year !!! my 1st visit 2 ur blog...

Akoocha - hi5..