Friday, December 23, 2005


The last two days I did some fruitful stuff to lose some fats...I am super fat is stressing me up. Firstly I went blading for the second time. My first instructor was Vincent. He must have had enough of blading after that..haha...not a good student. Yeah, I will ask him one of these days how bad a student I was. my next instructor was Jujubie.

And believe it or not, this woman can really blade. She even made a swiftful turn superbly well. And according to this instructor of mine, its a good start for me..dunno if she was just being nice...are you ju? Well, nevermind. It was really tiring though. Ju kept telling us, Mas and should try to glide, dont walk with the blades and dont be afraid to fall. Gosh Ju, dont be afraid, when I saw you fall, I was afraid. Gee..dunno when my next lesson will be and who will be the unfortunate instructor, but I will definitely keep trying till I master the skill.

Well, thats day 1 of my adventure at the beach. The next day, we went to the same beach again, planning to go there for a picnic. However, sadly, it did not happen again...there were only 3 of us...what to picnic...hehe...the rest of them had their own agenda so we continued despite the fact that it was just the 3 of us. It shouldnt be that when we reach Bedok, while waiting for Mas, I was super hungry. And yes I did eat, and did not nibble on my food. So after we ate, we headed for the beach. And what we did, Ju blade (thats when she had her big must have hurt terribly, it sounded painful) and Mas and I cycled. And Mas, oh my god, cycled like a mad queen. She was so fast and it was tiring...but I had a good time, must have lost some calories there...and though we did not have a picnic in the end..I ahd so much fun on both days with these two friends of mine...The Twiggies...hehe.

1 comment:

Jujubie said...

Of all the pictures in the world that I have you juz HAD to use this pic...