Saturday, December 17, 2005


I am feeling really sick today...I was sick 2 days ago...and the stubborn coz..refused to see the doc..I don't quite like the idea of going to the doc..unless I am miserably in pain or the fever is super high. Normally its self-medicate. My body is strong enough to fight the flu I am having. Ya, and off coz after feeling a little bit better, I went to the gym and went jogging as well. Ad now, not only is my body aching like mad, I am also having a terrible headache. And today, I had no choice but to stay at home to rest. Pop up a few panadols by now for my headache. Its helping. Im still refusing to see the doc. If I feel worse tomorrow, I might just go. If I am better, and I am hoping the latter, I will go to the gym again. I dunno, just feel good when I jog or go to the gym, at least after that, I will be tired and nite and will be able to sleep. These days, I am not sleeping much. I can stay awake till wee hours to read a book or brose thtough stuff on the net or watever. If anyone knows the remedy for sleeping, do drop me a note. I need to sleep. I dont want a a visible eye bags. I doubt I wanna look like a panda. So I need to get to sleep.


94533 said...

I can't say i know the remedy to sleep, but i do remember having a teacher and he could even put a person in a coma with his lectures. Its like he would repeat his stories for the 100th time, with excruciating detail. I used to hit my head on the desk, to no avail. some practical advice: don't eat a heavy meal before bed (i.e. no cheese pizza or steak dinner) make it light. or eat 2-3 hours before bed. Don't have too much sugar before bed or tea/coffee. don't watch a wierd movie bofore bed or read something disturbing. Mediate for 5-15 minutes. have a hot bath for 30 minutes. have a warm cup of milk. Exercise earlier in the day. go for a walk earlier (after dinner). Pray. count sheep. jump up and down and do a twist in the air until you throw up. count ALL the stars in the sky, watch grass grow.

Dark Queen said...

Haha...ok...thanks..i shall try it

Siti said...

Hmm.. Just to add on to that list above..

U can also try scented (aromatherapy) candles/sticks and a soothing music (subject to individuals preference though it is said that music with flutes and low/none drum beats helps in lowering one's arousal states while those with loud ones are for increasing the arousal state)..

That usually works for me..

And of course, the bed is meant for SLEEP only.. If u are thinking about stuffs, have a thinking chair or a thinking corner instead..

Hope that helps! :)

Dark Queen said...

Thanks for the tips...and ya...its for me to sleep...not to think