Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Slumber Party

My friends and I (Ju, Mas, Suhana and myself) had an early "Slumber Party"...haha...well...its not exactly a slumber party as none of us wanna stay over due to different reasons. Anyway, we spent a good 6 hours at least together, it was like a bonding session for all of us. It felt great definitely.

Off coz we started off eating, as usual, as Jujubie's mum cook for us...which was super sweet and all...coz our initial plan was to buy out...but her sweet mummy cooked for all of us.

Then we played 2 games, watched to dvds and spent a whole lot of time eating junk it is...I sense a sore throat now. Anyway, the first game we played was Pay Day. Gosh, everyone of us was excited about the lottery. At least the lottery in the game was pretty much easier to win than that of the real lottery..not that I have played one, just that Ive never heard of anyone winning it big. And the most unlikely person to win the game, with a whole loads of money at hand...JUJUBIE...haha...yeah...she won the game with over 30 over thousands at hand. She must surely be thinking.."If only the money is real, I'm gonna have loads of fun"...hehe...but too bad ju...its not. Then we played truth or dare and we came out with really unrealistic dare..the dare was more fun and scary than the truth more often than not, everyone, unwilling to go for the dare, told the truth..which was definitely an easier way to do for sure. And all these was played while watching 2 movies...Hitch (I must say Will Smith is super hunky) and The Eye.

Then finally we went dinner with Angie who joined us at dinner. Nice dinner indeed...had Nasi Ambeng, dunno what is it...super hot but was okay...copeable meal..hehe.

Well, thats how I spent my day today. A fruitful day? Indeed it was, rather than cooping at home doing nothing, well, I might figure out what to do by the end of the day, but then having spent some time with my was definitely quality bonding time spent, to prolly clear up some differences we may have had for each other, if there was any off coz. Nice time babes!

1 comment:

Jujubie said...

Of coz it was fun ...heeeellloooo I was there ...duh! Hahahahah!