Monday, December 26, 2005

Story of Life

Life teaches you alot of things
It teaches you the secrets within ourselves
It teaches you the beauty of others

However, life is never smooth
It will always be full of hick ups
WIth new beginnings, there is always an end
When something ends, you should never cry over it
Instead smile that it happened
Smile that the experience has taught you the meaning of life

With all the ups and downs,
You will learn better of the lesson in life
Though sometimes...
These lessons hurt deeply
You should always know that no one...
Only you can hurt yourself the deepest

So in order to go through life experiences
You must always be strong
The hurt will also be lesser
As long as you look ahead and forgo yesterday's pain

The hurt may be painful today
But tomorrow or the day after
The wound will heal
So you should never be afraid to feel the hurt
As only through these agonies
Will you learn the meaning of life

1 comment:

The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

wow... how true... *thumbs up*