Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I've been trying to stay away
I know it will just worsen the condition
But one can only hope
And that I did
But everyday it worsens
Every single minute I felt weaker
The body ache even more with every tick of the clock
I am beginning to feel worried
I should be fine by now
Why is it worsening
So I did what my friends told me
Well, am I better now?
I can't say I am
But I am definitely going to get better

Well...its me and doctors. Just hate them. Had no choice today since I have been having sleepless nights because of the flu for the whole week. So finally today, went to the doc. And yeah, I went blading again today, my second attempt at blading. Hopefully by my third attempt, I can glide. Oh ya, I went blading even when I am sick. I don't care. Feel worst when I coop myself at home. Feel sicker than sick so the blading helps, though only God knows how my body aches rite now...nevermind. Ive taken my medicine so hopefully I'd be better tomoro


Jujubie said...

Ok I am confuse...u are staying away from what ...not someone rite..u r talking abt exercise rite.....

Dark Queen said...

Haha...that babe...u have to figure out...thats the beauty of poetry, you explicate it based on your beliefs, not much so of the author, espicially an unknown person like myself

94533 said...

yes its good to see the doctor. Thats a long time with the flu, drink plenty of water, eat right, lots of fruit and orange juice, etc. diet and rest are important, sometimes medications come in to play when needed, nothing wrong with western medicine, it has its purpose.

Anonymous said...

Princess of Darkness??
yes.. it is a fake world,
a world of shadows.
Can be the princess of darkness be pure light?
Can be the princess of sadness
be a smile?
You are so far that I can not see the darkness of your worlds
but so close that i feel your warm
now I understand do I?
only light can be the princess of darkness
only a smile can be above sadness
because only the bright stars in the sky make the universe beautiful in its darkness.
!My best wishes to you in the new year!

Dark Queen said...

Hmmm...who are you?