Saturday, December 03, 2005


I heard the news today
And it shaken me
Why you attempt it again
Though you know it spells for countless problems

I heard the news today
And it worried me
How much you don’t value the life
That God has offered to you

I heard the news today
And it angered me
Why you are willing to go through so many twinges
For somebody as worthless

I heard the news today
And it made me ponder
Why you thought about it
Everytime life gives you pain

I heard the news today
And it made me realize
What life can offer
If only one is willing to appreciate

I heard the news today
And it made me want to say
Though I don’t treasure my life as much
I am unwilling to take it away


Anonymous said...

No point pondering babe such things juz too warp for any of us to comprehen...

Dark Queen said...

Ya...probably..but why would anyone do that is still beyond me

The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

haiz... u know wat the sad thing is? We are no longer fazed by the news.. it's like.. been there... done that... moving on...

Dark Queen said...

Yeah...but I suppose when someone is in trouble...we can't help it but be there..whether we like the idea or not...but I dunno how long I can take such day...I will be like you

Anonymous said...

No comprehension needed and no astonishment required. Everyone has a rite to an opinion but do leave out the judgement. Can one really judge from the outside without giving a damn to find out what's in the inside? But then again, the earlier is so much easier. ;)