Monday, January 02, 2006


I'm just back from my short holiday in Malaysia. To be precise, I went to Sarawak and KL. On the first day, when I touched down at the airport in Kuching, I was welcomed by the guide, Ahmed. He was such a helpful man. He helped to show us around the Sarawak, both the city area and the longhouse. At the longhouse, we stayed at the 'Ambin'. It is a back to basic for everyone. There, I met some Italians. They are extremely snobbish and made us wait. Because of them, we had problems with our plans. These idiots slept through till 11 am. Their guide, the stupid guide, refused to wake them up. We were so angry and fed up because we had to wait. But the place, the people and everything else were good and it was an extremely nice learning experience.

We also enjoyed ourselves at the city. We took tons of pictures and had a great time walking around and enjoying the beautiful sights.

Then we went to KL. We stayed at the guesthouse. It was an extremely small room. We called it our store. There I met Salem. He was our 'gueard'. Haha...well...he helped us alot...I was grateful. If not for you Salem, we would be stuck at Modestos or Uno..both of which are boring clubs. He brought us to Cuba. Nice club. Then the next day, he helped to carry our bags...our extremely heavy bags. You were a great help Salem...and I'm thankful for it for sure.

Our trip was extremely good till we reached Johore. There we were welcomed by rude attendants and to make it worst, I lost $50, which was suppose to be the money to go back. So we had to take the bus. I felt like vomitting throughout my whole journey. Then Yana, my travelmate, who was also falling sick, asked her boyfriend to pick us up at Kranji. When we reached the Malaysian custom, after clearing our pass, we waited for the stupid bus....3 170 buses came, but the stupid bus was nowhere to be seen...then eventually we took 950 to woodlands, where my travelmate's bf waited for us. I am so grateful that at last I am back home. Though what happened in Johor made me angry and fed up, the whole trip was a beaufitul one, especially my stay in Sarawak. For that, I am grateful to the Sarawakians for welcoming us and made our stay an extremely beautiful one. A few names to mention in Sarawak who helped us..Ahmed (our guide), Freddy(the owner of B&B) and everyone at Lemanak Longhouse. In KL, I would like to give my greatest thanks to Salem (who helped us a lot) and the uncle driver who sent us to the airport who was honest and nice and helpful.

Thats it for my trip. Now looking forward to the challenges that 2006 will be offering me. I sure hope I will have a better year than the previous year and likewise, everyone who reads this. I hope this year will be good and beautiful for you.

1 comment:

Jujubie said...

Salem is very sweeeeet, salem is very sweeeeet....salem r you reading this!? Hahhahaha! Glad you had fun zarzarbie...and thanksie for your giftsie...and NO I DUN mishie yousie