Thursday, October 11, 2007

Suicide Note

I was reading suicide notes from internet. No! I am not planning a suicide attempt and NO I don't have suicidal tendency. Just that sometimes when life is not heading the way I want it to be and the depressive mode is switched on, I feel better after reading such letters and notes. I may sound selfish and self-centred but these notes actually make me feel better and I will realise how minute my problem is as compared to many others. It will then hopefully make me want to be alive and achieve other aims that I've set for myself. I would then want to focus on my objectives and one of which is living itself. It also made me realised, how foolish to live life in such sadness due to such ache

But I can't imagine, if I ever write a suicide note, then what would the content be?

Wiriting one may be my triumph! And my freedom of my own pain. I will write it one of these days. Then you'd be my judge!


Anonymous said...

Long long ago, I wrote my will in my old old blog. Hee!
Oh, don't be upset that we called u names for remedials. We know why you were doing but just couldn't help teasing you. I gave 3 days to my full class though they were actually doing well. Hee! Who was more perverted? I think I was. Hee! (Too lazy to make 2 separate comments.)
Did you remove one of the earlier entries? One which I read with interest but didn't ask anything... I think...

Jujubie said...