Sunday, December 04, 2005

Boredom and Thoughts

I was complaining hard during those days when I was extremely busy...asked my friends...they could tell..probably..if complains can be binded like a book...but totally the opposites...I am so bored that it is like a torture...I can read a book a day and still feel bored at the end of the day...since I dont have anything to look forward nothing...gosh..ya ya...I am a complain queen...and it does set me thinking...why are we never satisfied...busy complain, too free..complain...sad complain...basically..we complain just about everything..we never seem ok and pleased with what we my conversation with my one of my friends the other day.

Question: If you could change anything, what would you change?
My reply: Just about everything..I hate my life.

And sadly that reply was fast...I didnt even need to think what I want to change...then I started listing a whole load of things I wanna change in my life...sadly..I still want those change in my life..but then..I am unsure whether all those changes would be worth...would life be any different with all those changes..I doubt a quote from my friend.."Once you have all that, there are more you want to change" I suppose that is true though off coz at that time..I said I would be happy with all those changes in my life...but deep inside..i know its not true...I can never be truly happy until I decide to be happy and grateful to life itself


Dark Queen said...

Thanks for the comment. Yeah...I will continue to write as long as I am inspired to do so

The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

u can't hate every single thing about your life rite? If so, isn't it like hating your very essence? Ups and downs in life, we just have to take it in stride rather than keep thinking of the bad parts.

94533 said...

good conclusion!
change your outlook and the world changes for you. I think Einstein has some quote that goes like that...but in different words.