Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What are you looking at?

Have you ever walk and it seems like people are looking at you?! ANd boy...did that felt awful...well...i dom't normally receive such stares from people...but unfortunately yesterday...that happened...it was like "Look at me day!" Even my friends noticed that the people kept at me...not that I'm pretty...unfortunately I'm not...not that I'm sexy...unfortunately...I'm not...I'm not even attractive...and the clothes I wore...Ive worn them like kezellion times...and never did have I gotten such stares from people like I had yesterday...watever it is...I personally think one shouldnt stare at other...it irritates the one whom you are looking at...and the person will feel like there is something wrong with their face or clothes or something...I kept asking my friends if there is something on my face or my clothes are tattered or something....please dont do that to people...if they those fighters...it could just spark a huge quarrel or fight...and luckily i"m not...though I swear I threw some nasty words under my breath...so for those who like to look or stare at passerby...please do it discreetly...not outrightly...coz I love to do that too...though...I dont literally stare at them...I dont think that is a nice thing to do...u made one really uncomfortable


The Bumbling Village Idiot said...

hahaha... u ARE gorgeous woman! Hello... u just noticed yesterday pple look at u when you are out. I noticed dunno since how long ago liao!

Dark Queen said...

Oh gosh...no..thats not true...people dont look at me...if u have forgotten...im surrounded by gorgeous friends...like u people..off coz they will look our way...not me in particular...yesterday was different...its like I did something wrong and people looked and looked and looked...and thats creepy