Monday, December 19, 2005

New Love?

Yesterday was a lot of fun. I accompanied Ju to show her friends around Singapore. Off course I felt guilty as I couldnt help her out on Saturday as I already had a prior appointment. So to make that up, I went with her to show her friends around. These guys (2 of them) are very nice people, and initially I kept asking ju "Hows their English like? Can you understand what they say?" It will be too tiring to decipher what they are trying to say. So off course that info was very important for me. Haha...ya ya...evil me! But yeah, both of them speak excellent English and very nice people.

So what we did? Well like a true blue Singaporean..hehe...I was promoting Singapore. We went to places in town as they want to see place where Singaporeans go to chill. We went to Padang, Esplanade, off coz the famous 'Durian', library (Ju was shocked when I told her one of them wanna see the library). Off coz I told him the library looks nice and he was fascinated of the fact that the library was actually that high.

Oh ya, yesterday, we had another extremely heavy lunch with a lot of meals on the table. It was scary to see the amount of food on the table. And yes, in order to avoid getting pissed with the amount of food on the table, I chatted with one of them, asking him about his country and the people and stuff. Off coz, they both (including Ju) had to observe the way I eat. And I do eat okay. These people kept saying I am nibbling my food, which is super untrue as I did eat. Then we continued our journey and again in the evening I coz Ju, who claimed she wanna share the food, barely touched the food. So I had to eat at least half of what was on the plate.

Oh love of my life..the story started like this. Ju had to tell them that I insisted I am Malay though I am not. So off coz they had to tell me. "Well, you look more like us than Ju does". Ya ya, watever. So Ju, the moment she saw this insisted that I take a picture. So ya, my new found love, "Mr Black" goodbye Mackey (you would who is Mackey from my previous notes).


Jujubie said...

Barely touched...hellloooo I told ya I dun plan to eat ...u r the itchy moron who insist on buying food therefore its UR food...and btw HALF wat half..even wit my help there was still tons of the food on the plate!

94533 said...

Sounds like you had fun!

Dark Queen said...

No....I did eat. U asked Salem...he even checked under the table to see if I throw any food...haha haha....and ya...i had a lot of fun...though..I must say its extremely hot...and we did alot of was tiring...but I have had fun nevertheless